Hul le Kes
Organization's description
Hul le Kes employees
Sebastiaan Kramer
Managing Director
Managing director at Arnheim Fashion Group (Hul le Kes & Studio RYN) and artistic director at 'Duurzame Mode 025' and Fashion + Design Festival Arnhem. Educated as a Fashion Designer and Business Administrator Sebastiaan is specialized in alternative business management for creative companies. Next to managing my own company I give guest lectures at Wageningen University, Radboud University, AMFI and HAN University of Applied Science Arnhem Nijmegen. Together with Sjaak Hullekes I have been working in fashion since 2005. Together we are the owners of Arnheim Fashion Group, a social enterprise focusing on changing the fashion system and create new paradigms.
Reinder Schmidt
Designer/ Product Developer
Product developer and designer at Arnheim Fashion Group (Hul le Kes & Studio RYN). Educated as a Fashion Designer at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Focussing on sustainable product development with reused and overstock materials and production possibilities in the Netherlands.
Irma Jans
Office & Hul le Kes Recovery Studio Coordinator
Jonathan Baan
Office & Hul le Kes coordination